So, I've been training iaido few times.  As usual, my excitement is a bit overboard.  It's fun, needless to say.  People are very friendly and I find iaido fairly natural for me.  It requires concentration, physical control, calm and certain ideological stubborness, which is similar as I often find in myself anyway.

I had this book about certain iaido style, Muso Jikiden Eishin-Ryu: The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship - A Manual of Eishin-Ruy Iaido, by Nicklaus Suino.  I was told it's a good book, but unfortunately doesn't have the kata set that is taught at first at dojo I go to.  Oh, well.

I've been making myself a bag to carry my bokken (wooden sword) and associated things.  I've now tried few pictures I could use as ornaments on it (bag is currently usable, but not finished - I will finish it maybe never, but not before I have my iaito.)


That's four pictures, ignore the black marker drawing, it's not part of it.  Cloth is the same as used on bag.